Why did Airbnb hire Jony Ive?

The rental firm has been hit hard by the pandemic - can the designer help revive its fortunes?

If your mornings are set in motion by the sharp sonics of your iPhone’s alarm, your right thumb has retained the muscle memory from the period in which it ceaselessly caressed the halo-like scroll wheel of an iPod (perhaps the second most important wheel in history) and you often find yourself mentally undressing your MacBook’s packaging in the Uber back from the Apple store, then you are probably accustomed to the visual lexicon of Sir Jony Ive.

Ive, the one-time lead designer at Apple, is widely hailed as the custodian of the most recognisable desktop and pocketable devices of our time – from the 1998 iMac to several generations of the iPod, iPhone and Apple Watch – and late last month it was announced that the 53-year-old will now offer his creative services to Airbnb.

After having quit the Cupertino giant in 2019 to open his own creative agency, LoveFrom, Ive is now set “to design the next generation of Airbnb products and services”, which will include an overhaul of its website and app. An upgrade to the current rating system, which screens guests and properties, will be one of the first tasks in the Brit’s in tray, according to the BBC.

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