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Top 5 Superfoods for men

Top 5 Superfoods for men

Words: Violet

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Hot on the heels of Christmas, there’s an epidemic of ‘Janorexia’ flying around: New-Year self-denial to purge the festive fun. We definitely don’t endorse it here at The Gentleman’s Journal, but we do want the most out of our food. With plenty of you starting to train for various Spring marathons, any extra boost you can get is a no-brainer. Put these in your basket:

Smoked salmon

Light but luxurious, this is the epicurean’s way of getting his omega-3 fatty acids. Add black pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice for the simplest gourmet lunch.


We swear by oats for breakfast, with a tablespoon of honey and a chopped banana. Cheap, filling, and full of fibre – they suit the pauper as well as the prince. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall recently published a recipe for savory oat porridge with kale (another superfood) and bacon; if you’re a novice, I’d start with flapjacks or syrupy porridge.


This has been on the rise for a few years now – even the UN have classified it a ‘supercrop’ – but it’s been a staple in South America for millennia. It contains all 8 essential amino acids. Pronounce it ‘keen-wah’ and prepare it exactly the same way as rice.

Black beans

Mexican food’s the latest cuisine to get the high-street-chain treatment: Wahaca, Benito’s Hat, Chipotle, Chiquito – so you can even squeeze a superfood into your next takeaway. With more fibre gram for gram than any other legume, and made from a highly complex carbohydrate that breaks down slowly, the black bean is where it’s at.


Snacking on the go is where it gets hard to be healthy. None of the above delicacies really work well in a briefcase or gym bag. Chuck in a bag of almonds however, and you’re sorted – they’ve got all the goodies like protein and fibre plus your skin’s best friend, vitamin E.


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