10 Things Women Don’t Want Men to Know about Them

10 Things Women Don’t Want Men to Know about Them

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We are the fairer sex and though the woman presented to the outside world might be cool, calm and invariably well put together, there are certain things that she would rather you didn’t know about what goes on behind closed doors (literally and figuratively). These are some of those hushed up universal traits.

1. We will look much worse than you when we wake up. It’s a crime of nature that all men seem to look exactly the same in the morning as they do at any other time of the day. Fresh. Women, however, have to contend with last night’s make up and the not-so-great effect it has on our morning faces. You have been warned.

2. How much we have stalked you on Social Media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, you name it, before we meet you, we will have exhausted it to find out what we can about you. This also extends to ex-girlfriends as well. We will know what they look like and who their friends are. However, if you ever ask us about this the strategy is always deny deny deny.

3.We don’t always wear sexy, or even remotely attractive, underwear. We all have more than a few pairs we would rather you didn’t see.

4. How long we take to get ready for a date. It is no secret that women generally take longer to get ready than men, but there are stages in our getting ready process that you probably don’t even realise occur. This process will inevitably get shorter the longer we know and more comfortable we are with you but the facts still remain. Helpful hint: Allow the time, don’t question it and just enjoy the end product.

5. Providing they aren’t rude or insulting, we really don’t mind cat calls from construction workers.

6. We are not as clean as you think. Though we would prefer for you to think of us as clean, well put together, ladylike individuals, a messy bedroom with 5 days worth of tea cups inexplicably dispersed around it aren’t an uncommon occurrence. We can sometimes also go days without washing our hair. Deal with it.

7. Even if we are in a completely happy relationship with you, we still find other boys attractive. It will, of course, go no further but we’ve still got eyes haven’t we?

8. We do tell our best friend everything. Ever wondered how much a girl’s friends know about you and your relationship? Well, in actuality, it’s probably a lot. Don’t worry though, this information is not a free for all and is only reserved for the closest friendships.

9. If we are in a relationship with you, we are never 100% happy if you happen to have a female best friend. We would never say anything and we know it’s probably harmless but it’s still not our favourite thing in the world.

10. Just as you have done with our friends, we have fantasied about yours and it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if they fancied us as well.

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