Prometheus – Review

Prometheus – Review

Home grown British Director Ridley Scott has delivered an experience to the cinema going audience which will have you writhing in thought for days and days after. “That was unreal”, “how did he do that?”, “but what happens next?” – all questions that feature strongly in the post-movie conversation you’ll no doubt have with yourself and others.

Why ‘Prometheus’?

From the man who brought you Gladiator, and perhaps more relevantly, Alien – Prometheus is the forerunner to said story, aptly named after a Greek mythological character the Titan ‘Prometheus’. A champion for mankind Prometheus stole fire from Zeus, king of the gods, and gave it to the mortals of Earth, thus sparking the dawn of modern human civilisation with all its glory, and more importantly, all its crimes. You see, Prometheus was punished by Zeus for his betrayal against the privilege of beholding the power of fire, he was bound to a stone and a great eagle was sent on him to eat out his liver. His liver grew back every day and the ritual was repeated.

In Ridley Scott’s epic, the name translates to the arrogance of man, and the incredible power we posses that we abuse at the expense of others. The name and film together almost act as a lesson, that is unlearnt time-and-time again by the human race.

The Experience

When you watch this film, you will think you know what it’s going to be about – but you don’t. In fact, there are plenty of points in the film when you will think you know what it’s about – but you don’t. A twist round every corner, a distortion of reality, a true exploitation of human assumption, Prometheus will tempt your curiosity from the first frame to the last. If you’re thinking of taking a date to see this movie – book your tickets right now. You know what they say, you don’t really no someone until you find out what their opinion is on time and space…

Character Study:

Elizabeth Shaw

Elizabeth Shaw is project leader for Prometheus’s Scientific Prospecting Mission. An archaeologist by trade, it was her and her Partner Charlie Holloway who proposed the mission in the first place. A smart feisty lady with a preference for the hysterics, Elizabeth is a likeable character who seems truly immersed in her own mission goals despite what other people do around her. However, funded not by her but by Weyland Industries, who is really in charge?

Charlie Holloway

Charlie Holloway, Elizabeth’s other half seems the more animated of the duo explorers. A testament that anything can be done with strong will and confidence, Charlie is here for one thing and one thing only, finding answers. Answers to questions that might not seem apparent at first, but become clear later on. A cocky jock type character who is in full control of his life… or at least he was back on Earth. You know what they say about curiosity right?

Captain Janek

Captain Janek – Pilot and Commander of Interstellar Prospecting Vessel Prometheus, is not your conventional stiff upper lip boss. With all the chrome, electronics and what seems to be a millennia leap forward in technology in and around the crew, you would expect the space ship captain to be a highly drilled, unforgiving, no mercy kinda man. However, it turns out that the crew were short changed the stereotype and had to settle for Janek, with a write-your-own-rule-book-do-what-you-want-just-don’t-spill-my-coffee attitude, he loves his power, just not his responsibility. After all, when you’re 500 million miles away from Earth, who cares?


David is perhaps the most interesting of all the characters, which is odd, because he is a robot. A creation of mankind by mankind, David’s mission is to provide his human crew members with assistance in any way possible, in most polite manner possible too. He speaks, walks and acts like a human and is readily excepted by everyone. There are one or two people however who are less ready to let their guard down around him – are their efforts with good reason or are they in vane?

Meredith Vickers

Meredith Vickers is the Head Mistress of the vessel if you like. Peter Weyland’s representative for the mission, she doesn’t take abuse from any one, it’s her life on her terms or you can get lost. As far as she is concerned, she is the be all and end all of authority on Prometheus. Smirk all you want, but Vickers is one tough nut and she holds her own personal vendetta when it comes to fulfilling her mission goals. With all this conflict of power onboard, even the vastness of the ship can’t offer too many hiding places – or can it?

Peter Weyland

Peter Weyland, Founder of Weyland Industries and manufacturer of the Robot ‘David’. A man for which time cannot wait and a victim of his own imagination, Peter is the soul investor of Prometheus’s mission – the crew try to make sense of the political backdrop of their adventure but why did he choose not to come along for the ride…?

The Vessel and her Gadgets

Prometheus is truly a vast vehicle, which becomes apparent throughout the film. With only 17 crew members, Prometheus provides ample space for people to go about their own business without being disturbed, much. Attention to detail is profound, so much so that the ship itself forms its own character within the story. What secrets does it hold and what’s that noise coming from inside that room at the end of the corridor?


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Further reading