5 steps to getting that much deserved promotion

5 steps to getting that much deserved promotion

The key to gaining a promotion is to have the confidence and impress – simple as that. We all work long, hard hours in our chosen industries, and most will be constantly looking for that promotion opportunity. Impressing your boss is the only way to make the dream a reality. What many don’t understand is that you simply can’t just amble along in your role with the expectation that promotion is an inevitable progression – no, you have to work for it. Although the theory is easy, the reality takes time, effort, enthusiasm, and a little bit of luck too. So to give you a nudge in the right direction, here are 5 tips to gaining that much sought-after promotion.

As Donald Trump once said, “Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a take-off. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here.”

Stand out from the crowd

Leo Dicaprio speech in stock market office in Wolf of Wall Street

If you work for a large company, one of those conglomerates with thousands of employees, it’s often very easy to just become a number, a mere member of the larger system – a worker bee, if you will. However, if you really want that promotion, you need to be dedicated to becoming a personality in your team and wider company. Make effort to engage with your colleagues, become a person that others know they can rely on, or turn to when things get too much. Remember to always, as a matter of gentlemanly principle, be polite and conscientious and your superiors will quickly recognise your potential…

Think outside of the box

Don Draper with telephone thinking in office in Mad Men

To help you stand out from the crowd, you must think outside of the box. If you have a new, even radical idea that you think will help give a boost to your company, take your boss aside, or ask for a meeting to discuss your proposal. It is vital that your employer sees you in a capacity that goes above and beyond your job role, that they can see your potential and that you’re willing to put in the extra work for the greater good.

Don't be afraid of hard work

And this is where hard work comes into the picture – sometimes you’re going to have to work late; don’t gripe about it, these things have to be done. Instead, be productive and hard working to get the job done. However, don’t stay late just so your employer sees you there at the end of the day, this could work against you and show you as inefficient rather than hard working. Work at full capacity, 100% of the time and you’ll soon gain the recognition you deserve.

Be original

Harvey Specter Suits Office

Originality is key. Much like thinking outside of the box, an original approach to both work, and your communication with your team, will be the push you need into the promotion you want. Have new, informed ideas, openly approach your boss with confidence and conviction and make sure not to fall by the wayside. It also pays to being a gentleman whilst being a original – those life rules every man should be following will be more relevant during these times.

Always be there to help and accommodate

Finally, a headstrong attitude to work life should always go hand-in-hand with approachability. If you want a more senior role, you’re going to have to prove that you can work with, help and be there for your colleagues. If someone’s struggling and you have time to help, do so with open arms. Do you really want that promotion? You’re going to have to be a serious people person.

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Further reading