Words: Violet
Whenever Hollywood decides to remake a classic film, they always run a massive risk. Will it be as good as the original? Will it be better?
Well, despite original RoboCop actor Peter Weller not having much faith in the project – when asked about whether he thought they would be able to replicate the brilliance of the original he replied “good luck to them. You’ll never do it, but good luck” – come February next year we will be able to see for ourselves when the modern reboot of the 1987 classic will be released. Judging from the trailer we can garner that some things have stayed the same. Though slightly Iron Man-esque, RoboCop is still fighting criminals in his famous suit. It’s still based in Detroit. And it’s still set in the future.
There is, of course, a whole new cast in José Padilha’s edition, those of which include Oscar-winner Samuel L Jackson, Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton, Abbie Cornish and RoboCop himself, Joel Kinnaman. The narrative follows a police man called Murphy (Kinnaman) who is injured in the line of duty and subsequently chosen by OmniCorp to become the very first human RoboCop.
Release Date: Friday 7th February 2014