Words: Violet
, We are constantly bombarded with information about our health and fitness. Advice, advertisements, the new quick fix; the problem is there is so much information that it is hard to decode what we should believe and what we shouldn’t. What’s more, there are certain myths that despite the onslaught of new information, we still seem to believe. Well not to worry gents because here we have detailed all those myths as well as mystifying truth behind them.

MYTH:, If you want to get a six-pack, you must do as many crunches as you can, TRUTH:, In actuality, the best way to get a six-pack is to target multiple muscles in compound exercises along with cardio and diet.
MYTH:, The newest equipment is always the best, TRUTH:, Just because it is new, expensive and hi-tech, doesn’t mean it is the right equipment for you. Still one of the most effective pieces of equipment are dumbbells.
MYTH:, The more time you spend in the gym, the better the results will be., TRUTH:, It is not a direct correlation between hours spent and results. There is such a thing as overtraining which can lead to the breaking down of muscle tissue rather than the building of it. Make your training effective and give your body adequate rest.
MYTH:, You can target fat in a specific area, TRUTH:, You have got to burn fat everywhere
MYTH:, Machine weights are better for you than free weights, TRUTH:, A lot of the machines aren’t fully utilising the muscles they proclaim to. What’s more, if used improperly they can actually cause strain and injury.
MYTH:, Stretching helps prevent injuries, TRUTH:, Stretching is of course essential to any workout plan and should be done at the end of your workout. Pre-workout, however, studies have concluded that stretching without warming up can actually increase chance of injury.
MYTH:, If you take supplements, you will see the effects immediately, TRUTH:, You have to be very careful with supplements and the real fact is, some actually have harmful effects rather than good. What’s more, you will not see any effects from the supplements if not combined with a workout programme and controlled diet regime.
MYTH:, Your body needs 8 glasses of water a day, TRUTH:, In reality, this number is not exact. You must always drink when you are thirsty and enough of it to ensure your urine is clear.
MYTH:, The more you sweat, the more you calories you burn, TRUTH:, When we sweat, this is just the process of our bodies trying to keep cool not a measure of how hard you work or how fit you are.

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