Words: India Gladstone
There’s no doubting that a weekend in the city can be awesome. It can also be expensive and exhausting, leaving you – come Sunday night – slumped on the sofa drowning your sorrows in crap TV, nursing a 2-day hangover and an eye-wateringly overdrawn bank account. A weekend away from the city, however, provides you with the opposite. Perspective, a fresh mind and distance from crowded spaces and personal space invading strangers. So if you needed persuasion, here’s the definitive list of why every gentleman needs to escape the city this weekend:
Too many random people in one space is never a good thing
The city is filled with people. Too many people – most of whom you actually don’t know or want to, either. There are people who smell. People who are angry. People who hate people. People who hate life. And so it’s pretty likely that wherever you do decide to head is going to have far less people taking up far less space talking in far nicer ways than any one room in any one city in the world.
Because you may as well just burn your cash
Unintentionally splashing your cash is nothing short of a nightmare and spending weekend after weekend in the city can take a serious toll on your bank account. It’s more than likely that any one weekend spent travelling from social occasion to social occasion will inevitably lead to one too many drinks, one too many take-aways and one too many taxis. Weekends in the country (done the right way) lead to the opposite.
No gentleman should ever waste his time
Time wasting is for losers. When you add up the time you spend on a city weekend travelling from place to place, waiting for friends to make plans or feeling sorry for yourself while you suffer slowly and painfully from a hangover, the weekend is gone. There’s something about being in the countryside that makes the days longer, the hours spent wiser and the weekend as a whole feel like the like a week-long holiday.
Sometimes even your best friend can get annoying
It’s more than likely that you live in a home with multiple people and whether that’s your best friend, your wife or a total stranger it can sometimes be good to get away from said annoyance. One of the many awesome things about the countryside is that it offers you total seclusion from those that you spend too much time with – massive open spaces and fields plush with nothing but grass is enough to sort any bubbling irritations.
Because pollution sucks
I swear my breathing gets better in the countryside. It’s no secret that pollution in the city is a pretty big problem and while London isn’t quite as bad as a lot of locales, there’s nothing that does a body good like escaping to natural fresh air afford by rurality. There are certain cities in the world that actively smell like the populous has collectively decided to take a simultaneous leak, and if that’s not a good enough reason to leave the city, I’m not sure what is.
And nature is awesome
There have been study upon study conducted that prove spending time in nature is one of the very best things anyone can do for their health – country folk are happier, more relaxed, tend to live longer and are friendlier. Sirens are fine from time to time, but you can’t beat waking up in the middle of nowhere in total and utter silence.
What to wear:

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