10 Reasons You Should Be Dating Women not Girls
Words: Violet
An anonymous legend once said, “A girl wants attention, a woman wants respect. A girl wants to be adored by many. A woman wants to be adored by one”. Now the question is: which one are you with?
A boy is attracted to girls and a man is attracted to women. If you learn one thing today, know that maturity and age are not synonyms. While some women might have crossed your accepted cut-off age for dating purposes, it doesn’t mean they’ve grown up. Regardless of their age, when you’re dating someone, you really need to attune yourself with their maturity, life’s aspirations and the stage of life they’re in. An independent gentleman with strong morals, aspiration, style and self worth will date a woman who would challenge him and push him further, not someone who would dominate his psyche. Here are 10 reasons why you need to get yourself a woman and not a girl.
A WOMAN SUPPORTS YOU IN YOUR DREAMS AND ASPIRATIONS AND ALWAYS ENCOURAGES YOU, Whether you want to work a night shift at the bar or move to San Francisco for a year-long work commitment, if a woman truly loves you, she will calmly understand why something in your life and career is important. A girl will make you do things her way, so you can live the version of your life that she has imagined.
A WOMAN DOESN’T WANT A DAILY VALIDATION OF HER PHYSICAL BEAUTY, While no woman will ever shy away from a good compliment or two, a real women wouldn’t want you to tell her how beautiful her body is on a daily basis. A woman has a sense of self worth, prides her body, her talent and knows what her greatest asset is. A girl would always fetch for compliments, and snap back at you if you use of an adjective that isn’t appropriate for that moment.
A WOMAN WOULD COMMUNICATE IF SOMETHING WAS BOTHERING HER, When upset or displeased with something, a woman will approach the situation like an adult and tell you clearly what’s wrong, unlike a girl who will throw a hissy fit. If you take one step wrong around a girl when she’s angry, expect screaming, pouting, slamming doors, silent treatment, crying, passive aggressive statements and, best of all, emotional Facebook updates.
A WOMAN DOESN’T NEED YOU TO TAKE CARE OF HER AT ALL TIMES, This might raise the argument of classic gentleman behaviour, where traditionally, men should still open doors and offer their coat. However, if you were with a girl, you would need to take that ship to a whole new level of chivalry. A girl would want to be treated like a princess, because she really thinks the universe owes something to her and everyone must curtsey, when in her company (including you!). A woman would have standards for herself and for what part she plays in your life without expecting you to bring the moon to her feet.
A WOMAN IS FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT, Dating a woman would not come with prerequisite expectations for you to be the primary breadwinner of the house. If the dynamic of the relationship were to tilt that way, then your woman would take that as a bonus, but she wouldn’t base her life on that expectation. A girl, on the other hand, would not just want you to pay for dinner on a date night, but pay for dinner on roughly about 365 nights of the year. A girl would leech off your financial strength with zilch shame or apology.
A WOMAN’S APARTMENT ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE AN APARTMENT, A woman understands that being domestic isn’t a duty; it’s basic hygiene and a responsibility that comes with adulthood. A girl would be proud of her inability to turn the stove on and zero desire to clean her apartment or make her bed.
A WOMAN WON’T NEED A BABYSITTER, If you were to have a poker night with your mates or post-work drinks on a Friday, a woman would see you off with a smile and enjoy her ‘me’ time. If the same situation replayed in front of a girl, you may expect a tantrum and a guilt trip to you-don’t-love-me-anymore land.
A WOMAN WON’T HAVE TRUST ISSUES, If you say you were on a conference call with clients in Singapore all night, a woman will trust you, a girl will go through your phone history, emails and then call the office to check if you told her the truth. Expect an end to crazy stalker behaviour when you’re with a woman because she wouldn’t doubt every scent, mark or late night in your life.
A WOMAN WOULD NEVER PUT YOU DOWN IN FRONT OF YOUR FRIENDS OR FAMILY, There won’t be any spilling of the dirty laundry at the dinner table during a family meal, when you’re with a woman. She would not talk about the arguments you have or joke about the intimate details of your relationship when she’s with other people, because this childish mockery is strictly reserved for girls.
A GIRL PLAYS GAMES; A WOMAN DOESN’T, No explanation needed.
By Shitika Anand
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